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Youth Sport Fund

True Sport Youth Fund

The Pauw Foundation True Sport Youth Fund was launched in 2016 to assist Bow Valley youth recreation organizations and clubs with annual financial support.  As of 2022, a new partnership between the Pauw Foundation and Bow Valley True Sport & Recreation Council has formed and the Bow Valley True Sport & Recreation will oversee the delivery of this sport funding.


The 2024 applications will be opening January 15


Please visit  for more details


The Pauw Foundation True Sport Youth Fund will review applications submitted by not-for-profit community sport organizations that have developed or are developing strategies to increase inclusion and accessibility of sport to youth in the community and that exemplify the seven True Sport Principles of Go For It, Play Fair, Respect Others, Keep it Fun, Stay Healthy, Include Everyone, Give Back. The True Sport Foundation is a registered Canadian charity that is committed to ensuring that sport makes a positive contribution to Canadian society by advancing the benefits or values-based and principle-driven sport in Canada.

Organizations which are eligible for funding consideration will:

  • Be based in the Bow Valley with the majority of programming targeted towards Bow Valley youth residents
  • Offer sport, activity, and recreational amateur programs for youth 17 and younger
  • Operate as a not-for-profit organization
  • Have stable financial practices
  • Be a member of True Sport and demonstrate a commitment to the True Sport Principles
  • Commit to providing one digital True Sport story during the season; to be collated with the help of Pauw Foundation if required; that demonstrates the importance of one True Sport principle or highlights the value of including all 7 True Sport Principles within your programming

If your club needs assistance to ensure your application meets the eligibility criteria, please contact the folks at Bow Valley True Sport & Rec Council:

Wim & Nancy Pauw Foundation